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Parent & Family University: A Three-Part Series

Dive into our transformative three-part series designed to empower parents and families with critical knowledge and skills. To learn more and secure your spot, RSVP using the links provided for each event:

Understanding & Supporting Your Child or Adolescent's Anxiety

Join us on October 23rd, 2024, for our first Parent & Family University event.

Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guidance for Families

Save the date: February 19th, 2025 for a presentation on harm reduction and substance use by Compass clinicians. 

Registration Coming Soon
Fostering Healthy Screen Habits

Save the Date: April 30th, 2025.

Plus, stay after for a celebration for those who completed the three-part series.

Registration Coming Soon

Compass Health Center Parent and Family University Celebration

Join us on April 30th, 2025 after the final workshop to celebrate of our parents and caregivers who completed all three events. Details to follow!
Ensure your place in these impactful sessions - spaces are limited!

Discover More and Stay Connected   

Below are points of access and insights that make it easier to tell your story and guide others to find the help they need. Feel free to check back anytime for updates—and share these with friends or family! 

Helpful Resources

Crisis Text Line

 Text HELLO to 741741 for 24/7 support. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

1(800) 273-TALK for 24-hour crisis support. 


Call 1-800-950-NAMI for resources and support. 


Call or Text 1-800-985-5990 for crisis counseling.