Recap | Parent and Family University Workshop One: Understanding and Supporting Your Child or Adolescent’s Anxiety

We held our first workshop in the three-part series: Parent & Family University, on October 23rd, 2024. The presentation was titled: Understanding and Supporting Your Child or Adolescent's Anxiety. Read below for our key takeaways:

  • Anxiety is a normal, healthy emotion.  
  • Anxiety is uncomfortable, but not dangerous. 
  • Create a behavior plan to help and support your child and their anxiety, which can cause maladaptive behavior. Behavior plans are most beneficial when they are planned ahead of time and include motivators and consequences.  


  • Anna Finis PsyD Director of Child Program
  • Sarah Pritz Shields M.Ed. Director of Partner Success

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback. We look forward to our next Parent and Family University Workshop on February 19th titled, “Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guidance for Families.” We hope to see you there!